✈️ So I booked a one way ticket, 11,428 miles away from home. Here are 7 lessons I’m learning every single day.

Rachel Pregunta
2 min readMar 14, 2022

If you’re thinking of living a full digital nomad life, here are some important lessons that will help you.

This is me, enjoying the views in Colombia’s Tatacoa Desert — one of the most unique places I’ve seen so far in my first 3 months in South America, after booking a one way ticket from my home in Asia.
This is me, enjoying the views in Colombia’s Tatacoa Desert — one of the most unique places I’ve seen so far in my first 3 months in South America.

The day was November 10, 2021. It was another day of living under strict pandemic rules my city has been put under for more than a year and a half. Even if I was well aware that millions of people around the world were suffering, I can’t shake my own fear away from my mind.

I have to do something.

As an extrovert, I struggled mentally and physically since the lockdowns started. When I felt the slightest possibility that I could fly away and change my circumstances, I grabbed it.

I booked a one way ticket. 11,428 miles away from home.

Here are 7 lessons I’m learning every single day.

  1. That I control my happiness. It’s not the place I’m in that dictates it.
  2. That home is not always a place. Sometimes it’s a person. And sometimes, that person is yourself.
  3. That I have to live well below my means. Seriously way below.
  4. That I have to adjust my expectations with how I see success in life.
  5. That my clients should not have to worry whether I have internet or not.
  6. That some people are genuinely happy. And genuinely nice.
  7. That I have very limited time.

Now, I should know about all these things before I even traveled this far. But traveling this far and leaving so many things behind has pushed me to live by these 7 lessons, every single day. In the next 7 days, you’ll see me dive deeper into each of these lessons.

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Rachel Pregunta

Founder of Travel Blog, Gamintraveler.com, 150K views monthly. I do content strategy for Social Media and SEO. Instagram — @gamintraveler @rachelissocial